Benefits of Sabal Palms
Florida has various kinds of native palms. Most of the palms are tropical or subtropical and are not tolerant of temperature below freezing. Sabal palms are a group of cold hardy palms that belong to genera Sabal. These palms are used for utilitarian items like foods, medicine as well as for landscaping purposes. Sabal palms grow between 5 ft to 8 ft tall. It is a very cold hardy American palm that grows to over 60 feet tall. These palms are used in a variety of ways. Some of the uses of palms are as follows. Food The terminal bud and crisp hearts of cabbage palm are used as vegetables and are eaten by many people either in raw form or cooked form. Harvesting these parts kills the palm tree. Seminole people prepare bread from the fruit of the palm. Slices of roots were baked and consumed. Utilitarian items Leaves of the palm trees are used as roofing thatch. Palm fronds are made into basketry and lashing strips. Seminoles make the highest use of cab...