Few Things to Know about Palm Tree in Carolina

Are you staying in Carolina or have ever been to Carolina? Then, the word palm tree in Carolina may not be new for you. The name of the palm tree varies from region to region. According to scientists, there are more than one thousand products of palm trees. Apart from this, there are many species of palms that are available on the globe. These trees are quite strong and can withstand harsh weather.  Scientifically, these palms are classified as,

  • Family : Arecaceae
  • Higher classification : Arecales
  • Kingdom : Plantae

These trees are quite different from others and as they have many unique features, it makes them special from others. Few important things about palm trees are as follows.

  • There are more than 2500 species of palm trees in the world.
  • They grow in USDA Zone of 8-10.
  • The height of the tallest palm tree is 197 feet tall.
  • They are the best source of wine, which is called palm wine.


Apart from this, there are many products that you can get from palm tree. According to a report, there are actually 1001 products that are derived from palm trees, which range from fruits, leaves to stem. Some of the products that are derived from palm trees are as follows.

  • Brooms – There are lorry loads of brooms (palm leaves) are transported.
  • Baskets – Baskets are also prepared from the leaves and stems. These baskets are transported to many parts of the globe.
  • Palm wine – The wine obtained from palm tree is called palm wine. It is sweet in taste and is liked by many people.
  • Mats – The leaves of palm tree are used to prepare mats, which are sold at a high price to the customers. These mats are quite good and are used by many people all over the world.

Hence, these are some of the important things that you should know about palm trees. Would you like to buy palm trees in Carolina? If yes, then contact Palm Tree Depot. It is one of the reputed firms that deal with Palm Trees. It offers an in house transportation. You can place order of minimum of 20 Sabal palm trees for $65 each. The staffs of this firm are dedicated and can deliver palm trees at your doorstep. If you want to know more or if you want to place order for Sabal Palms, then click on this link at http://www.palmtreedepot.com


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